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soil testing is available from Mainfert
Informed decision making with
Comprehensive soil testing
Talk to one of our Nutrient Advisors today.


Soil Testing

Aside from its productive value, topsoil also has its own inherent value arising from the quantity and quality of the minerals and chemical components that make up the soil. Even before a seed is sown or a blade of grass eaten, the topsoil is a valuable resource and it’s vital to monitor this asset on a regular basis.

Soil is also a dynamic resource, constantly changing and rarely static with nutrients constantly on the move as they are removed by plants and animals, leaching, erosion etc and replenished via weathering, decomposition of organic matter or fertiliser inputs. To minimise the impact of this variability, soil testing is of most value if it is carried out at a similar time each season.

Some tests are rather basic and of limited value but others are more comprehensive providing a wider range of different analyses and giving far more information on which to base soil and farm management decisions.

These soil tests are conducted by Eurofins Laboratories. Eurofins use standardised methods, which means if you have had a soil test done by another fertiliser merchant this can be correlated with Mainfert, as exactly the same method of extraction has been used.

An accurate and detailed soil test allows us to create a plan to achieve the results you want.

Soil Test Comparison:

  • Review the two reports below, left is a basic test, and right is our comprehensive test.

our proven framework

Is your biggest asset working for you?  Or are you working for it?

The greatest expense for most farming enterprises is the land the business operates on. With this in mind the question to ask is: How is the soil working for me?

Soil testing is the first step to evaluating who is doing the heavy lifting in your relationship

The main objectives of soil testing are:

  • Monitor nutrient status
  • Optimise productivity (Plant &/or Animal)
  • Determine any:
    • Deficiency
    • Excess
    • Imbalance
  • Allow for accurate nutrient management plans to be created

To get all the information that would be significant to decision making for fertiliser use and animal health can be a daunting price, nevertheless when considered on a per hectare basis the price of each test is better viewed as an investment rather than a cost. Particularly so on poorer preforming paddocks.

There is always a scientific reason for poor performance; chemical, physical or biological.

There is always a scientific reason for poor performance; Chemical, physical or biological.

The catch with soil testing is not all soil tests are created equal. To ensure that you are generating a good return off every dollar invested you need to make sure that your soil testing is giving you all the information that would be beneficial, and that this information is accurate.

The importance of macro nutrients (P, K & S) in the soil and the pH level of the soil is well known and has been tested for several years. As a result, most farms have fertiliser programs acknowledge these in the simplest form. Other tests can be done that will increase the efficiency and accuracy of each dollar spent on fertiliser. Some of these are:

Total Phosphorus (TP) A measure of all forms of Phosphate in the soil
TP estimates the total amount of recoverable phosphorus in the soil. This helps to understand what potential P is available under ideal soil conditions
Organic Sulphur (OS) An indication of potentially available Sulphur in reserve
This result will indicate the longer-term supply of Sulphur. Especially useful on Sedimentary soils, which do not hold onto Sulphate-Sulphur well
Total Sulphur (TS) An indication of the total amount of Sulphur available
This test shows the Total Sulphur level present in the soil that may currently be, or become available in a soil
Anion Storage (ASC) Measures phosphorus and other anions ability to be held in the soil solution.
ASC will tell you how much and often you will need to apply anions like sulpher and phosphorus but especially phosphorous.

Looking for any gains in production and animal health is vital to get the best return on investment. That’s why getting down to the nitty gritty of soil and /or herbage trace element testing makes a lot of sense. Checking the status of Boron, Copper, Zinc, Cobalt, Iron, Manganese, Aluminum, Selenium, Iodine and Molybdenum can identify any low levels effecting plant and animal performance. But just as importantly it can also show any excesses which maybe effecting the uptake of other vital elements.

Don’t look at testing as a cost but as an investment.

If you would like to find out more or to book your soil test please feel free to contact us.

Get in touch

For more information, or to book in one of our soil tests, contact one of our Nutrient Advisors, or leave your details with us and we will be in touch soon.

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One of our experienced nutrient advisers looks forward to speaking with you soon.  Simply complete your name and details below and we will call you back.

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