Situated in the Culverden Basin, North Canterbury, this sheep, beef and cropping property has been a client of Mainfert since 2014.

This farmer has seen improving changes over the years, showing the results of a loyal and sustained approach to producing pastures and crops to maximise production by a balanced nutrient approach. A combination of Fine Particle Fertiliser for pasture and prescription granular blends for crops have made valuable production gains and sustainable environmental outcomes.

Mainfert soil test this farm each year and have the full records from when we became involved in the farm nutrient management. As can be seen from the recent soil tests result sheet below, and the photos, feed production is exceptional. The photos that relate to the soil tests are the grass-clover – cattle grazing photos. The other photos are of a corn crop for Talley’s. These crops are always at the high end, last year yielding 27 tonne of corn per hectare. The farmer has gained praise for his approach to the benefits of his nutrient management.

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